CommonLand Solutions brings energy, teamwork, and expertise to every project.
“Liz is a subject matter expert and trusted advisor, characterized by sincerity, integrity, and a level of competence that extends beyond measurable metrics."
Jenny Johnson, Director of Property Development at Pathways Vermont
CommonLand Solutions values healthy and inclusive communities, grounded in the values of economic, racial, and environmental equity and justice.
Founder, Liz Curry
“I grew up in big cities with the benefits of close-knit neighborhoods. Pittsburgh’s steel industry, ethnic neighborhoods, and the civil rights movement shaped my environmental and social justice and equity values. Living in Washington D.C. as a teen, I witnessed homelessness grow to scale as a symptom of how our real estate system segregates winners and losers by race, income, and ability. These experiences motivated me to devote my life to community and economic development from the bottom up.
For more information, publications, and vitae please visit: www.linkedin.com/in/lizcurrycommonlandsolutions
CommonLand’s focus is on community development projects
that further healthy, stable, and equitable communities.
Commonland Solutions has deep expertise in federal and state grant and finance programs, such as:
VT Buildings and General Services
VT Housing & Conservation Board
VT Department of Environmental Conservation –
Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
Northern Borders Regional Commission
Preservation Trust of Vermont
USDA Rural Development
VT Agency of Commerce & Community Development
VT Community Development Program
Downtown & Village Tax Credits